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Join the United States School Garden Army

Edward Penfield

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The United States School Garden Army (USSGA) was created in 1917 as a way to encourage gardening among school children. By encouraging children to garden, the U.S. government hoped that a food crisis might be averted, and that America's food system might become more locally-oriented and sustainable. The USSGA was funded by the War Deparment; food was, and still is, an issue of national security. The goal was to let kids feel that by gardening, they were fighting in France alongside the men in the trenches. Gardening, wrote President Wilson, “is just as real and patriotic an effort as the building of ships or the firing of cannon.” Designed by Edward Penfield (1866-1925) was prolific illustrator for many American publications like Harpers, Scribners, Colliers, and Saturday Evening Post. There is a border around the image. The image size is correct. Many sizes available.